Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD refers to a chronic condition that is affecting millions of children. It continuous to the age of adulthood and includes many issues in combination. ADHD leads to impulsive behavior, sustaining attention, and hyperactivity.
Children who have ADHD fight with the conditions regarding their mental health. They usually struggle with low self-esteem, poor performance in academics, and troubled relationships. Sometimes, symptoms can decrease with age.
Some people do not develop complete symptoms of ADHD. It can’t be recovered completely. But there are some alternative strategies that children with ADHD can develop to manage this issue. Treatment can’t cure it but helps your children to deal with the symptoms.
Typically, treatment of ADHD involves behavioral interventions and certain medicines. Early diagnosis can help your child to survive this condition. Do not wait for the condition to recover itself. Consult a doctor if your child is facing severe issues with ADHD.
Primary symptoms of ADHD include hyperactive-impulsive behavior and inattention. Symptoms of ADHD start developing before the age of 12. These symptoms can be noticed clearly even in the child of three years sometimes. Symptoms of ADHD are mild, moderate, and severe.
Mostly, ADHD occurs in men as compared to women. Behaviors can vary in girls and boys. For example, boys can be hyperactive to a great extent, while girls can be inattentive. Following are the three subtypes of ADHD.
- Predominantly Inattentive: The majority of its symptoms are related to inattention.
- Predominantly Impulsive/Hyperactive: Most of its symptoms are related to impulsivity and hyperactivity.
- Combined: It includes a mixture of hyperactive or impulsive and inattentive symptoms.
A child who has the symptom of inattention fails to pay attention to their classes and makes mistakes in the school’s work. They may not listen and speak directly and have problems in staying focused on play and work. However, a child with inattention can face issues in organizing activities.
He can also face issues in certain activities and try to dislike or avoid tasks requiring mental effort like homework. This type of child can be distracted easily and forget to perform daily activities.
Impulsivity And Hyperactivity
A child who gets the patterns of impulsive and hyperactive symptoms can involve in tasks that need continuous motion and talk too much. This type of child taps his hand or feet and face issue is staying seated in his classroom.
A child with such symptoms can have trouble doing any activity quietly. A child with impulsive behavior cannot wait for his or her turn and interrupt the activities, games, and conversations of others.
Developmental Issues And ADHD
Most healthy children are impulsive, inattentive, and can be hyperactive at one or another time. The attention span of preschoolers may be short. They may not be able to stick with a single activity for a longer time. Even teenagers and older children do not pay attention.
They do not take a proper interest in their academics sometimes. The same is the case with hyperactivity. Young children have energy naturally, and they show full of energy. Additionally, some children have a high level of activity that is natural.
Every child is not the same as their friends and siblings, so do not try to judge your children if they have impulsive behaviors, inattention issues, and hyperactivity. It can be natural and a part of development sometimes.
Children who have such issues may also be struggling with any other problem. If your child is facing severe issues and disrupting your life, see a doctor and plan better treatment for him or her. Early identification of the issue prevents your child from developing complications later.
Your doctor may be able to control ADHD at a mild level. Try to visit a family doctor first. He may refer your child to a specialist in case of a serious issue.
Doctors are not sure about the exact cause of ADHD. Researchers are doing work in this area to identify the exact causes of ADHD. Certain factors can be involved in developing AHD. These factors can be environmental or genetic.
If your child has issues with the nervous system, he is vulnerable to developing mental health issues like ADHD. Go for your child’s regular checkup to the recommended doctor and help them deal with the mental health problems like ADHD.